Good To Go In 2024 (Part 3)

Darren Besgrove | 14th February 2024

Previous emails have shared updates on Good To Go ‘Ready’ and Good To Go ‘Inspex’. Today it’s time for a brief introduction to Good To Go ‘Locate’.

Good To Go ‘Locate’ is a real-time asset visibility solution that employs fixed readers within stations or depots (as well as vehicles), to confirm real-time asset presence, or ‘last seen’ time if it was moved out of reader range.

Good To Go ‘Locate’ enables stations, districts and HO/Logistics Managers to more quickly find valuable assets. Depending on the situation, this can be achieved either by using access point readers to monitor incoming and outgoing assets, using readers within stations or depots or, using vehicle mounted mobile readers that show all equipment within a radius (such as a base camp).

All of this in turn helps:

  • Reduce time spent looking for equipment (or phoning around trying to find it)
  • Create a digital trail of where and when equipment was delivered, and when it moved
  • Provide a real-time view of equipment that moves between your tracked locations
  • Reduce buying duplicate equipment, as a means to ensure hard to find items are more available

Unlike ‘Ready’ and ‘Inspex’, ‘Locate’ is hard to visualise via a video - a live (can be virtual) demonstration is the best mechanism to see just how powerful this technology is.

So, If you have any further questions or are interested in a demonstration to learn more about ‘Locate’, feel free to reply to this email or give us a call.