Good To Go In 2024 (Part 1)

Darren Besgrove | 31st January 2024

Happy New Year! It's been a few months since you last heard from us, but we've been keeping busy at Good To Go ever since our public launch at AFAC23. In the intervening 6 months there's been a number of exciting updates, and we think you're going to love what we've been working on.

As a reminder, Good To Go ‘Ready’ is our instant manifest verification service that scans RFID tagged assets, instantly compares results against a manifest & provides confirmation that a vehicle is complete and “Good To Go”.

But that's now just the tip of the Iceberg - over the last 6 months we’ve built out a complete suite of 3 x different solutions, and they can work independently or in combination with each other.

Good To Go 'Inspex', is a customisable checklist where you can schedule different timeframes for all your operational inspections addressing the problem of “Have we checked everything works? And, for real-time visibility, we now have Good To Go 'Locate', which employs fixed and mobile bluetooth readers to ‘see’ assets in real-time, addressing the common issue of “Find me the...? What's available at location…? Where's my nearest…?”

We have completely overhauled our website to expand on each of these solutions, so be sure to bookmark this new site. Over the coming weeks we'll be emailing you more details on each of these solutions along with case studies and references to the ‘early adopter’ agencies who are trialing them, so be sure to watch your inbox.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to know more about any solution don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your continued interest in Good To Go.