Good To Go Blog

Check back with us regularly for new blog pieces, news and events we'll be attending.

Good To Go’s Operational Readiness Solutions Now An Award Winning Solution Suite For First Responders

Good To Go’s Operational Readiness Solutions Now An Award Winning Solution Suite For First Responders

NSW Central Coast Startup Good To Go today won the 2024 NSW AIIA iAward in the ‘Start-Up’ category from a very competitive field.

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 3)

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 4)

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) has signed on to pilot all three aspects of our innovative solution suite - Good To Go 'Ready', Good To Go 'Inspex', and Good To Go 'Locate'...

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 3)

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 3)

Good To Go ‘Locate’ is a real-time asset visibility solution that employs fixed readers within stations or depots (as well as vehicles), to confirm real-time asset presence...

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 2)

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 2)

In our last blog, we covered the recent development of Good To Go ‘Inspex’ and we can now provide you with a little more information about this valuable solution...

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 1)

Good To Go In 2024 (Part 1)

Happy New Year! It's been a few months since you last heard from us, but we've been keeping busy at Good To Go ever since our public launch at AFAC23...